Services > Play Therapy

Many children who are treated for disruptive behavior problems are school-age. They’ve been acting out in class, ignoring or defying teachers’ direction, or being too aggressive with other children.
In many cases, these children have been exhibiting problematic behavior for years before they start school. Early intervention is key when dealing with behaviors of children in order to address issues before they escalate into larger problems later in childhood or adolescents.
Using a variety of play therapy and child development-based techniques, children as young as three years old can benefit substantially. Play therapy utilizes play, children’s natural medium of expression, to help them express their feelings more easily through toys, sand, therapy animals, art, and activities, instead of just words. Using these modalities, children are taught to exhibit emotional functioning through play and art. Children do not have the cognitive capability to verbalize issues, events, or trauma they might be experiencing and having a safe environment to act out their feelings allows the therapist to get a better understanding of what the child is trying to say exhibited by their concerning behaviors.
Signs that preschool kids might need help learning to manage their impulses and regulate their behavior include:
Play Therapy Services
Observing and gaining insight into the family unit and in-home behaviors offers therapist a clearer understanding in the dynamics of the child and the family. Different techniques, ideas, systems, and practices are introduced during and after an in-home visit by the therapist.
Individualized family plans are designed by the therapist along with parents and family members offering input, needs and suggestions. Parenting plans are a multi-faceted approach considering each families values, ethnicity, beliefs, culture, goals, expectations, dynamics, and family history.
Play Therapy Tools
The Sand play Method is a play therapy modality I like to implement where a child or adult uses a wide assortment of miniature figures in a tray of sand to help tell a story, discover obstacles, or communicate with me not only feelings but the dynamics of their behaviors and the individuals around them.
The miniature figures, or collection, include representations of all parts of life and fantasy. In addition, there are building materials available to make unique items when needed. This allows individuals of all ages to work in a three-demential form to either communicate, uncover, discover, identify or understand the behaviors leading them to a life of pain, suffering, unhappiness, uneasiness, or repeated negative results.
Using experiential activities open the doors we were certain were tightly closed…leading to growth, understanding, clarity, and change.
A simple 3×3 subway tile serves as a tangible communication tool. Either to ourselves, partner, family member, child, friend, or anyone else involved in our life and creates a platform for an unheard voice or unexplainable behavior.
Experiential Art Therapy enables parents to gain a clearer understating when a child draws a picture, writes a word, or expresses themselves and allows kids, teenagers, and adults to draw or write something they otherwise would not verbalize to a parent. Learn More