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Services > Family Counseling


Life is complicated. Families are complicated.

There is no perfect family or relationship. We can shove people, memories, events, and mistakes under the carpet for long periods of time, but the elephant appears from underneath the rug repeatedly…when we least expect it.

Family counseling is an intentional step toward addressing and healing what more than likely has been brewing for a long time.

Family members and the individuals we love have a way of flipping our switches and pushing our buttons because we allow them to. A safe and comfortable environment designed to help you stop, identify, own, assess, clarify, change, reconnect, disconnect, develop, and set boundaries proves to be difficult but it all pays off immensely in the end.

We learn not to respond to the switch flipping and button pushing in ways we have previously.

The “Elephants” in Our Living Rooms

The elephant in the room may always rear his ugly head in our living room but having the coping skills to address him effectively is the key to having successful relationships.

Parents / Siblings / Extended Family / In-Laws

Care for Elderly Parent

Substance Abuse/Alcoholism

Finances/Child Support/Bankruptcy


Kids/Young Children/Adult Children

Health Issues/Terminal Illness/Critical Illness/Child Illness

Child Custody / Divorce / Separation / Parental Alienation

Abuse / CPS

Cultural / Religious / Beliefs / Spiritually

Finances / Probate / Family Money / Last Will and Testimony

Incarceration / Legal Issues

Absent Parent / Disengaged Parent

Parenting / Discipline / Boundaries

Death / Grief / Loss / Change

Are you ready to begin your journey of discovery, understanding, awareness, and lasting acceptance? Let's Talk.
